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Corresponding Author
Rizal Rizal
Politeknik Negeri Jember
ABSTRACT Analog pulps beverage made from coffee is an innovative creative product developing potential coffee commodity in the city of Jember. PKM aims to foster the potential of youth entrepreneurs among students pursuing the creative economy business. Learn entrepreneurship in producing innovative and creative products, promoting new products, educating markets and learning to expand the market for creative products. It is hoped that students will gain entrepreneurial knowledge and skills which will one day be useful to help themselves open up employment opportunities and provide employment to the wider community. The priority of solving the problem are: (1) training on the production of pulverized pulps made from coffee. (2) procurement of analog coffee pulps making equipment. (3) training on design of analog grain pulp product packaging with coffee made from coffee, (4) training and education on marketing communication, (5) management assistance. These activities are in an effort to increase business capacity through product diversification so as to increase revenue from boarding schools and increase economic independence. The implementation phase of this activity is to conduct coordination and outreach to BUMP Sunan Ampel. The next step will be taken together to adjust the implementation team schedule with the activities of the student routine. Also discussed is the readiness to accept tools and allow adaptation of tool designs to suit the boarding school. Material preparation stage and location for business management training and education. The implementation team facilitates the making of brands that are attractive and easy for consumers to remember. The preparation phase determines the material for making social media to market new products, making packaging designs, determining packaging sizes. PKM activities are carried out in a participatory manner. BUMP members are involved and given roles for the smooth implementation of the program. The participation and activeness of youthpreneur students in the implementation of education, training in the adoption of coffee-based analog pulp technology can be achieved. Partners are also expected to be able to continuously produce analog grain pulverized beverages made from coffee that has been provided by the PKM team. The production of analog grains even though it refers to the results of research by PKM team members The composition is known to be the best results based on the results of the research, but it is necessary to adapt the coffee material as a basis for forming analog grain with a grain production equipment system that has just been ordered. The results of the trial of the production of analog coffee beans produced the best composition. The best composition results are the best results from 20 experiments in the Jember Polytechnic Food Processing laboratory involving students of Food Technology D4. The best treatment results obtained composition of algin
Coffee, Fibrous drinks, Alginates, CaCl2
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Ridwan Iskandar
Politeknik Negeri Jember
The Indonesian plantation sector is being spurred to produce quality products, among them Robusta coffee with good prospects. One of Robusta coffee suppliers in Indonesia is Jember Regency, however, the main problem faced by Robusta coffee exports from Indonesia is often considered to be of poor quality. The quality of Indonesian robusta coffee has the opportunity to be improved, through efforts to improve the quality of the production process, so that in the end it will improve product quality and market share. The most important effort in improving the quality of the production process is the application of a system that has certainty and is recognized by many countries, namely ISO 9001: 2015. The implementation of ISO ensures consistency in quality and standardizes best practice. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the ISO 9001: 2015 clause has been applied, then make improvements so that the ISO 9001: 2015 clause can be applied, and set priorities for the application of the ISO 9001: 2015 clause in robusta coffee processing. The selected respondents were managers of the Coffee and Cocoa Research Center, PTPN XII Renteng, and Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU) Buah Ketakasi Sidomulyo. The method used was a survey and interview method using a questionnaire. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. Data analysis to determine the priority of the implementation of the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system in the Robusta Coffee Processing Unit in Jember Regency uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The analysis shows that the Robusta Coffee Processing Unit of Jember Regency already has many clauses in the Strong category, which is 3 clauses from 7 existing clauses. However, there are still important parts of the agribusiness quality system that do not meet ISO standards or even none at all. This can be overcome by applying improvements to elements that are still weak under the guidance and services of ISO 9001: 2015 training specialists and consultants. ISO 9001: 2015 clauses prioritized to be applied are Leadership clauses with a weighting value of 0.259, then successive Organizational Contexts (0.244), Supporters (0.178), Operations (0.122), Planning (0.095), Increases (0.095), Increases (0.095) 0.053) and Performance Evaluation (0.049). Continual improvement is needed for clauses that have low priority.
Robusta Coffee; Processing Unit; ISO 9001:2015; Strong category; Analytical Hierarchy Process
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Ujang Suryadi
1)Dosen Pascasarjana Politeknik Negeri Jember
2)Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Politeknik Negeri Jember
e-mail: 1)usurpoltek[at]
The purpose of research was nalysis of KUB position compared by joper, male layer, broiler, and arab. The research had done in twenty subdistrict, Jember Regency. Research method was used by snowball sampling. Data analysis for knowing KUB position compared by joper, male layer, broiler, and arab was Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) based yang product quality(X1) dan business eficiency (X2). Knowing cometitivenes used PAM matrix. The resul of analysis showed the comodity had similiraty by KUB was joper. Postioning map showed joper had near position with KUB. Result of coefficient competitiveness PAM matrix showed KUB had highest coefficient than joper and arab but lower than broiler and male layer.
positioning map, presepsiperception, farmers, competitiveness, Jember
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Andi Muhammad Ismail
(a) Agro-industry Management Study Program, Agribusiness Management Departement, State Polytechnic of Jember
Jalan Mastrip Po Box 168, Jember, Indonesia
(b) Agro-industry Management Study Program, Agribusiness Management Departement, State Polytechnic of Jember
Jalan Mastrip Po Box 168, Jember, Indonesia
Agroindustry product is one of very potencies product to develop and to make modern market commodity to increase their business. Fisheries is one of prominent sector in Jember District. Fisheries Agroindustry includes freshwater fisheries and seawater fisheries. Freshwater fisheries are a fisheries agro-industries which widely cultivated in Umbul Sari sub-district. Freshwater fisheries will be developed because have various problems experienced in the agro-industry fisheries farming process, that started from a production process, from the product include product low quality and skills and knowledge from ownership, funding and marketing, technological limitations and no freshwater fisheries group yet. The objective of this research is 1) To identify the model and strategy development of freshwater fisheries agroindustry. 2) Analyze the added value of the fish catch if processed further; and 3) to analyze the socio-economic factors that affect the chances of developing agro-industries based freshwater fisheries in sub-district Umbul Sari Jember. Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) methods were used in this research to analyze both internal and external factors. Alternative strategies for business expansion were explained with Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) method and further analyzed by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The conclusions of this research are: (1.) Development of freshwater fisheries agro-industries is positive, where the driving factors are more dominant than the restraining factors. (2.) Development of freshwater fisheries agro-industries can be done in the implementation of the government, farmer, stakeholders are cooperating well, develop good facilities and infrastructure for improving the quality of freshwater fisheries such as freshwater fisheries farmer cooperation, development of Freshwater Fisheries Farmer Forum, and repair of facilities, and increase human resources in this case are farmers of freshwater fisheries.
business strategies; freshwater fish farming; Agro industrial
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Linda Ekadewi Widyatami
a) Agribusiness Management Department, State Polytechnic of Jember
Mastrip Street Po Box 164 Jember
* lindaeka[at]
b) Agribusiness Management Department, State Polytechnic of Jember
Mastrip Street Po Box 164 Jember
Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Rental Services Unit/Unit Pelayanan Jasa Alat dan Mesin Pertanian (UPJA) Tani Makmur Gapoktan Surangganti in Rogojampi Sub-district of Banyuwangi classified as the developing UPJA. One of the superiority that they have is a newly developed agricultural machine in Indonesia, it is a grain seeder that comes from government assistance in 2018. This study aims to analyze the business feasibility of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Rental Service Unit in terms of technical aspects, management aspects, and financial aspects. Financial feasibility analysis included the analysis of Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C ratio), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP). Technical aspects study shows that the agricultural equipment and machinery owned by UPJA Tani Makmur consist of: combine harvester, hand tractor, grain seeder, and transplanter that comes from the government assistance. Management aspect shows that UPJA Tani Makmur have an organizational structure, lead by Manager of UPJA, who have some staffs consist of administrative staff, technicians, and operators staff. Based on the financial feasibility analysis result included NPV, Net B/C ratio, IRR, and PP indicators, UPJA Tani Makmur is unfeasible to be implemented.
Feasibility Analysis, UPJA
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Oktanita Jaya Anggraeni
(a) Department of Agribusiness Management
Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jember 68101
Email : oktanita[at]
Jember batik has its own characteristics than any other batik. The charm of Jember batik is its color harmony which differentiates Jember batik from the other batik. Consumer-s purchase decision in purchasing a product and the production result of a company are inseparable. Consumer-s purchase decision is the decision in purchasing the most desirable brand than any other available alternatives, however there are two factors between the purchase intention and purchase decision. The first factor is other person-s attitude and the second is situational factor. This study aims to determine the influence of batik pattern and quality on consumer preference to increase the purchase decision of Jember batik product. This study used the Chi Square analysis method. The result showed that the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) in the Pearson test of Chi Square was 0,001 and 0,000. Those were less than 0,05 which means batik pattern and quality influence the consumer-s preference and are able to increase the batik product purchase decision. It can be used as the basis to determine the strategy of Jember batik product development.
Preference, Decisions, Purchase
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Didiek Hermanuadi
Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Jember Mastrip Street
PO BOX 164 Jember, Indonesia
The strategy selection of agroindustry development based on “tape” in Bondowoso Regency is a complex problem, this is caused by several alternative decisions that must be chosen, even though each alternative contains several criteria that must be assessed based on its priorities. This alternative selection is based on a SWOT analysis of agroindustry development basef on Tape in bondowoso regency. The development of agroindustry based on tape is faced with complex and uncertain situations, so that decision makers have difficulty in determining decisions. Decision makers usually use intuition and subjectivity only. Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) approach is one method that can answer this problem. This method can guide decision makers to make an assessment of each criterion and alternative. The criteria used in this study are (S) = Strengths, (W) = Weaknesses, (O) = Oppurtunities, (T) = Treats.
Fuzzy; AHP; SWOT; Bondowoso Regency
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Aulia Brilliantina
a) Department of Food Industry, State Polytechnic of Jember, Mastrip Street PO BOX 164, Jember, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Agricultural Technology University of Jember, Kalimantan III Street, Jember, Indonesia
The problems of decrease in tea quality and tea productivity agroindustry have become a quite complex system problems. The dynamic system approach provides an analytical framework in order to understand the linkage of managerial policies of tea agroindustry. This research was conducted to design dynamic system model for tea agroindustry performance. It applied dynamic system model by using tool powersym studio 2005. Moreover, it started from observation, interviews, and document collection, which then be made a causal loop diagram to the simulation model creation and validation. The simulation is done in the period of 2019-2025. Furthermore, performance dynamic model of tea agroindustry consists of production process linkage, finance, and human resources. The system produces three scenarios (aggressive, moderate, and pessimistic) based on managements response to strategic planning in 2011-2016. The result of this research is the model can be used to provide insight for management to monitor dynamic behavior of tea agroindustry in order to get the best policy in the coming year. In addition, this research implication towards the improvement of tea agroindustry performance generally is a mechanical area of picking experiment as much as 20% from tea agroindustry wide area, training improvement and tea quality evaluation, and product diversification.
Dynamic system; Performance measurement; Tea agroindustry
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Fadila Marga Saty
Politeknik Negeri Lampung
The growth of SMEs in Lampung Province, especially Bandar Lampung City, increases every year, around 10%. Among several SMEs, the biggest contributor to SMEs growth was agriculture by 40%. Realizing the large role of SMEs in agriculture in the national and regional economies, it is only natural that capital assistance programs (financing) receive greater attention as a program that supports the existence of SMEs. The capital can The funding made bank and non-bank institutions in Bandar Lampung is expected to increase the income and number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Other benefits are expected to increase employment opportunities and broader marketing. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of funding distribution in agricultural SMEs in Bandar Lampung. Data retrieval uses a questionnaire as a tool with the number of respondents 40 people as SMEs actors who conduct financing. Data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The results showed that the distribution of funding provided had a positive impact on increasing income for SMEs agriculture in Bandar Lampung. This indicates that the management of financing for business funds has been carried out as well as possible to bring changes to the business being carried out so that the funding channeled bank and non-bank financing institutions can be categorized as effective.
effectiveness, financing, SMEs
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Ardhitya Alam Wiguna
a) Departemen Agribisnis, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164 Jember, Indonesia
b) Departemen Agribisnis, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164 Jember, Indonesia
This study is a study that aims to (1) determine the cost structure, (2) estimate the income earned and (3) determine the feasibility of the goat milk business. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis using the technique of sampling interviews directly to respondents using a questionnaire to people who are experts in their fields. The research location was in Burno Village, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency. Analysis of the data used in this study is the value of BEP quality, BEP Sales, BCR, Payback Period, NPV, PI and IRR. The results of this study found that (1) the highest cost structure was the cost of raw materials, namely feeding the goats in the form of calliandra grass and concentrates. (2) estimated annual income derived from the goat milk business with the production capacity produced is 10,800 Liters of goat milk per year is the total income of Rp. 38,238,167. Whereas in determining the feasibility of the goat milk business seen from various values including BEP Quantity worth 18,270.97, Sales BEP of 105,307,771.78, BCR of 1.76, Payback Period of 6.23, NPV of 669,531,597.99, PI value of 2.55 and IRR of 50.16 so that the business that has been carried out by Mr. Sumardi is at a reasonable level.
Feasibility, Business development and Goat Milk Business
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Irma Harlianingtyas
Department Of Agricultural Production, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip Po Box 164 Jember, Indonesia
The production of the sugar industry is increasing from year to year because of the national sugar production and consumption. In order to achieve the level of production that can meet these needs, the government has requested a national sugar self-sufficiency policy. Estimation of sugarcane production has a big influence on the companys policy considerations to determine further production results. This study aims to predict the production of sugar cane that will be obtained by the Asembagus sugar factory for the next five years. The data used to predict are data from 1989 to 2018 obtained from secondary data from Asembagus factory registration results. The method used is the Box-Jenkins ARIMA method by comparing the measure of forecasting results with the trend and exponential smoothing methods. The appropriate forecasting result is the ARIMA model (1,1,1) because it has a smaller error value than using other methods. Forecasting results for 2019 are 42055.6 tons in 2020 predicted 43222.9 tons in 2021 predicted to produce 44090.7 tons, in 2022 predicted 44788.2 tons and in 2023 predicted sugarcane production of 45389.2 tons.
Production; sugar cane; forecasting; ARIMA
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Uyun Erma Malika
a) Politeknik Negeri Jember
b) Politeknik Negeri Jember
The need of forages feed for dairy cows were quite a lot, namely as food intake in order to produce high-quantity and high-quality of dairy milk. The forages feed need that needed per dairy cow were about 10% of its body weight. In fulfilling, sometimes dairy farmers need to pay for buying forages feed, especially when the dry season arrives. So it can lead to higher production costs in managing dairy cattle agribusiness. Therefore, the purpose of this activity to provide solutions for dairy farmers in fulfilling the needs of forage feed sources, without causing cost overruns. Hay is one kind of forages feed that is dried and given to dairy cattle. It can be an alternative solution for this problem. In this activity, hay was processed from dried soybean straw that added with urea to assist the process of amoniation and then printed in the form of blocks using a hay press. The technique of making hay is very simple and does not require high cost. Soybean straw which is indeed very abundant during the dry season. It can meet the needs of fullfilling dairy feeding, moreover it can minimize the expenditure of feed costs on the management of dairy cattle agribusiness.
Hay; Dairy; Agribusiness
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Rizal Rizal
Politeknik Negeri Jember
The objectives of this study are: 1) To analyze the level of community empowerment of dairy cattle agro-tourism in Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency; 2) Analyzing the impact of the development of dairy cattle agro-tourism on community and economic empowerment of communities in the agroeduwisata area of Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency; and 3) Develop strategies or priority programs for developing dairy cow agro-tourism that can enhance the benefits and contribution of positive changes to the community of the agroeduwisata area in Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency. This study uses an Ex post facto design whose data collection lasts for two months starting in June to July 2019. The research location is in the KUD Argopuro Village, Krucil Village, Krucil District, Probolinggo as a tourist destination for dairy cows. The study population was people living in the KUD Agropuro area. The sample is determined by unproportional sampling, which is a sample of 30 local people and 30 farmers. spread in the villages of the Toll Collection (TPS). There are 8 villages that each village has 1 TPS supplier of raw material for Argopuro KUD milk. The 8 villages are spread in Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency, Central Java. Data was collected by questionnaires, documentation and semi-structured interviews after previously tested the validity and reliability of the instrument. Data is collected using; questionnaire, observation and deepening by conducting semi-structured interviews, as well as interviews with experts who have research information. Observations are made to observe and obtain information that is useful for obtaining accurate and accurate information and data. In addition, Expert choice is used by tourism agro-stakeholders who have research information to obtain data and information on the formulation of strategies to increase socio-economic impacts and human resources using the ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) method. The results of the study show that the development of agro-tourism areas has a positive and significant impact on community empowerment, social conditions, and economic conditions of the community. Factors that play a key role in community empowerment from ISM results are interpersonal skills and decision-making capacity. While the factors that play a key role in social factors from the ISM results are aspects of participation and public perception, and factors that play a key role in the economic conditions of the agro-tourism region based on the results of ISM analysis are aspects of income and employment.
Agro-tourism, community empowerment, community empowerment, community economy.
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Ana Arifatus Sadiyah
1Departement of Agribusiness, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Jl. Telaga Warna Tlogomas, Malang 65144, Indonesia /Agriculture Sciences of Doctoral Program, Brawijaya University
2Departement of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nusa Cendana Kupang, Indonesia
31Departement of Agribusiness, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Jl. Telaga Warna Tlogomas, Malang 65144, Indonesia
Poverty has existed for many years, and will always exist in a large number of countries, so poverty alleviation targets are a challenge for most countries. The main objective of this research is to analyze the impact of strategic food price increases on poverty with a systematic measure. The study uses SUSENAS (Indonesian National Socioeconomic Survey) raw data. The total data used is 287,830 households. consisting of 166,019 rural households and 121,811 urban households. The impact of price changes on poverty can be seen by using The Head Count Ratio, The Poverty Gap Ratio, The Sen Index, and The Foster-Greer and Thorbecke Index. The analysis showed that the poverty gap was 4.84% for Indonesian households, 4.149% for rural households, and 5,530% for urban households. This ratio shows that the average household food expenditure is 4.84% lower than the corresponding poverty line compared to household food expenditure in Indonesia as a whole. Sen index values vary from 4,913 for rural households, 5,838 for Indonesian households to 6,762 for urban households. This shows that the highest inequality is in urban households.
Head Cont Ratio, Poverty Gap Ratio, Sen Index
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Dhanang Eka Putra
Politeknik Negeri Jember
The Government through the Ministry of Agriculture in the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) has established rice, corn, soybeans, beef, sugar, fish, and salt production as the main food commodities, the target is to achieve food products sourced from domestic production. Especially for soybean commodity, currently, Indonesia has approximately 1.5 million tons every year. The purpose of this research; The first is to analyze the soybean marketing system through the marketing and institutional function approach, marketing channels, market structure, and market behavior in Jember Regency. Second, analyzing the efficiency of soybean marketing channels in Jember Regency on each marketing channel with a marketing margin approach, farmers share, and profit ratio. Third, determine the right strategy to be applied in efforts to develop soybean commodity in Jember Regency. The analytical method used in this research is qualitative and quantitative analysis to analyze the marketing system that has been running until now, to later find out the problem and its solution. Second is the development strategy analyzed by SWOT and continued with the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) method to determine alternative strategies for developing appropriate soybean commodities. The targeted research output is the results of the research can be discussed at the 2nd International Conference on Food and Agriculture (ICoFA) of the State Polytechnic of Jember, and the Level of Technology Readiness (TKT) is 4.
marketing, system, soybean, SWOT, QSPM
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara
Socioeconomics Department, Faculty of Animal science, University of Brawijaya
The research aims to analyze the pattern of farmer communication networks in partnerships and the role of farmers as one of the stakeholders in implementing communication within the institution. The number of research respondents as many as 10 taken with non-probability sampling method through snowball sampling found 5 farmers who partnered with the core of private companies and integrators. Data analysis using open software method with UCINET. Based on a survey that the majority of broiler farmers in Malang regency amount to 72% were farmers partnering with integrators compared to the core of private companies because the procurement of integartor livestock production facilities was able to adjust to the financial capabilities of farmers. The results of the study show that the degree of in degree in the communication of the farmer actors was on average higher than the outdegree which means that the role of the farmer as a communication actor in the partnership was very high that the farmer should be better able to determine the direction of business success. Communication between plasma and nucleus was very intense, even farmers have a high role in determining business, but the facts in the field of farmers have a high dependency on the core, with a value of 100% in degree while the value of out degree where the role to communicate and exchange information was that the farmer considers only the core able to provide good knowledge about on farm compared to other actors, with a value of 55.56%.
Keywords : broiler, network, partnership, communication, plasma
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Irma Harlianingtyas
Department Of Agricultural Production, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip Po Box 164 Jember, Indonesia
Sugar is a major national need that will continue to increase along with population growth. Sugar cane is one of the important crop commodities in the development of the plantation sub-sector in East Java, among others, to meet the needs of domestic sugar and exports of the National Sugar Productivity since 2001. Its progress is the sugar industry in accordance with the agreement which was first carried out by the quality of sugar cane . The aspects that affect the quality are sugar cane (on farm) and factory (off farm) aspects related to technical and technological processes. This research studies the factors that influence sugar production in the Asembagus sugar factory. The method used to solve this problem is multiple linear regression by submitting six predictor variables, namely sugarcane production, fertilization, irrigation, rainfall, yield of sugar cane, and land area, then the dependent variable is sugar production. Based on the analysis obtained an appropriate regression model and has fulfilled the BLUE assumption is Y=-1357+0,06681X1+0,09X2-21,9X3+0,973X4+329,7X5-1,25X6. This regression model is expected to assist the leaders of the Asembagus sugar factory in determining policies to increase sugar production in the future
sugarcane; regression; production; sugar
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Hari Rujito
a) Department of Agribusiness Management, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO Box 164, Jember 68124, Indonesia
b) Department of Animal Science, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO Box 164, Jember 68124, Indonesia
c) Department of Information Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO Box 164, Jember 68124, Indonesia
d) Department of Agricultural Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jalan Mastrip PO Box 164, Jember 68124, Indonesia
The kolang kaling grass jelly drink is a functional food product that is beneficial to health. Currently consumer demand for beverage products that have a good impact on health is increasing due to high public awareness of the importance of health. The home-industry must be able to find, recognize and know the criteria of any attribute for kolang kaling grass jelly drink products that are needed by consumers. One method that has proven to be effective and successful in fulfill the needs of consumers is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method that begins by making a product planning matrix (House of Quality), followed by making a part planning matrix (part Deployment), planning matrix process (process planning) and production / manufacturing planning matrix. From the results of the QFD analysis, it is proposed that improvements to the planning process of making kolang kaling grass jelly drinks are subsequently realized using formulation techniques of implementation strategy based on mapping the main needs (containing the main objectives of improvement), and product performance to be achieved. Through this QFD approach, business players will be able to produce kolang kaling grass jelly drink products that are in accordance with the needs of consumers
Process planning, Product quality, Quality Function Deployment Method
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Taufik Hidayat
a) Department of Agribusiness Management, Jember State Polytechnic, Mastrip Road Po Box 164, Jember-Indonesia
b) Department of Agribusiness Management, Jember State Polytechnic, Mastrip Road Po Box 164, Jember-Indonesia
Cocoa is one of the mainstay commodities of the plantation which is the governments priority in agricultural development in the future. Jember Cocoa productivity lower than productivity cocoa in East Java and nationally, the low quality and productivity has made Jembers Cocoa competitiveness decline. The objectives of this study are 1) Analyzing the potential of cocoa in Jember Regency; 2) analyze competitiveness (competitive and comparative advantage); 3) formulate a strategy to improve Jembers cocoa competitiveness. This research is included in the type of survey research used for exploratory and descriptive purposes. The sampling technique is done by the non-probability method with secondary and primary data, to analyze the data using the Technical Analysis Matrix (PAM) analysis, SWOT - based on the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix, relative competitive position matrix ,and Internal and External (IE) matrices. The results showed that Jember Cocoa has competitiveness, both in terms of its comparative and competitive advantages. The condition of agribusiness Cacao Jember is in the development of an aggressive strategy where the agribusiness cacao Jember is in the most favorable conditions because it has many opportunities and strengths that can be used to improve the competitiveness of its products. The strategy adopted in this condition is to support an aggressive growth policy (growth oriented strategy). The main priority of Jembers cocoa competitiveness strategy is the SO (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy, which is a strategy that utilizes land availability and suitability, farmer resource support, cohesiveness of established farmer groups and local traditions and culture to meet cocoa demand, both for local markets as well as exports with support in the form of government commitments, ever-increasing selling prices, and the presence of investors.
Competitiveness; Jember Cocoa; PAM; SWOT,
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
muksin muksin
Abstract. Identification of the value chain in Naa-oogst (NO) tobacco agribusiness provides information on the level of importance or need for value chain development. Which shows that there is an institutional structure that can facilitate strengthening of farmers in general through the institutional roles carried out by each institution. Some conditions of partnership between companies and farmers and the role of institutions require efforts to set appropriate strategies to determine how the value chain can be improved. So it can provide and guarantee guarantee for the increase in the income of the agribusiness value chain supply chain actors. Based on the description, this study aims at: (a) describing the most important criteria of improving value chain performance, and (b) what is the best strategy for improving the value chain in NO tobacco agribusiness chains. The results showed (i) Increasing the empowerment of farmers in the NO tobacco supply chain and suppressing uncertainty about farmers- NO Tobacco prices, (ii) a combination strategy between partnerships between farmers and exporters and at the same time being followed by institutional strengthening of farmer groups such as the JTFA (Jember Tobacco Farmers Association ).
Strategy, Value chain, Na-oogst tobacco
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Alamsyah Sutantio
Politeknik Negeri Jember
Regional economic development strategies can be through the development of regional natural resource potential. One of the villages that has great potential in Jember Regency is Karangpring Village, Sukorambi District, Jember Regency which has the potential in the form of rose flower cultivation which is carried out massively by the villagers and becomes one of the largest supplier of roses in the Tapal Kuda area. The higher potential for abundant roses provides an opportunity for the community to innovate to produce processed products from roses. However, in its development, processed products of roses cannot develop due to factors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to support supply chain management of processed rose products in Karangpring Village, Sukorambi District, Jember Regency. The method used in this study is in-depth interviews to be able to explore the analysis of supply chain management. The analysis technique used is qualitative and value chain analysis. The results in this study indicate that the problems underlying the development of processed rose products are found in the raw material supplier system. This is caused, roses at certain times have a high price because of the demand for roses that exceed supply. This condition indicates that farmers will have a greater advantage when roses are sold directly compared to being sold as processed product ingredients, so that roses farmers prefer to sell their roses directly. The solving this problem, the solution that can be done is to increase production when the price of roses is still relatively low and reduce production when the price of roses starts to increase dramatically.
Qualitative, Value Chain Analysis, Deep Interview, Rose-Processed Products
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
a) Departemen of Agricultural Production, State Polytechnic of Jember, Jl. Mastrip, Jember, Indonesia
b) Departemen of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Jember, Jl. Mastrip, Jember, Indonesia
Development decision making process of the business are influenced by internal and external factors of the business, which influence the success of the business. Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats are used to identify all of the factors that influence the succes of a business and produce alternative strategies that are feasible for the business. The object of the research was Robusta coffee beans in Panti District, Jember Regency. Analytical Network Process (ANP) is used to calculate the relative importance of each SWOT factor and sub-factor, considering the dependency between SWOT factors and between sub-factors
Robusta, bean, strategi bisiness
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Joko Riyanto
Animal Husbandry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Maju Utomo farmer group and Ngudi Berkah livestock group in Wonorejo Village, Gondangrejo District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java raise Simpo beef cattle fattening. The observation of the research team in both groups, that there was a decline in the performance of fattening production and low acceptance of innovation. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the weight gain of cows by applying the innovative supplementation of growth promoted concentrate for fattening their beef cattle. The purpose of the research is the application of innovation in the use of growth promoted concentrate for evaluating the performance of the Simpo cattle fattening productions and the acceptability of the application of innovative use of growth promoted concentrate in both groups. Research methods include instructional and dialogues through counselling program activities using FGD (Focus Group Discussion) techniques, evaluating progress in the level of knowledge and understanding of the material, training and making growth promoted concentrate, applying the use of growth promoted concentrate for fattening, monitoring and continuous evaluation. The research treatments were P1 = control feed (30% fermented rice straw + 70% basal concentrate) and P2 = P1 + 20% growth promoted concentrate. The research parameters are initial weight, final weight, weight gain, average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, feed efficiency, feed cost going and innovation acceptability. The research data were processed using the t-test variance analysis. The conclusion is to increase the production performance of fattening products using additional growth promoted concentrate. The acceptability of innovations in the application of growth promoted concentrate is influenced by factors of livestock experience, breeders age, number of cows, livelihoods and the outpouring of labour.
local feed ingredients, acceptability of innovation, Fattening growth promoted concentrate, Beef Cattle, Farmer Groups
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Ratih Puspitorini Yekti Ambarkahi
Politeknik Negeri Jember
Climate change is one of the very serious threats to the agricultural sector. In climate change, season shifts occur, which are marked by the shorter rainy season but with large rainfall, causing cropping patterns to shift. Damage to crops occurs because of the high intensity of the rains impact on floods and landslides. Then, fluctuations in temperature and humidity that are increasing can stimulate the growth and development of plant-disturbing organisms. With this explanation climate change can be detrimental to farmers and the agricultural sector, shrinking and decreasing agricultural output which affects the decline in farmers incomes (Festiani, 2011). Climate change causes the cropping system and planting time in the agricultural sector in Indonesia to change. Unstable changes can cause large losses, especially in the agricultural sector. Then further research is needed to prove the impact of losses experienced due to climate change and other factors. The potential of adaptation actions must be determined for both agriculture and government. The purpose of this research; firstly analyzing the impact of climate change on the production of food and vegetable commodities in Jember Regency and secondly analyzing farmers perceptions of climate change. The targeted research output is the results of the research can be discussed at the 2nd International Conference on Food and Agriculture (ICoFA) of the State Polytechnic of Jember, and the Level of Technology Readiness (TKT) is 4.
climate, food, vegetable, commodity, adaptation
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Eliyatiningsih Eliyatiningsih
a) Agriculture Production Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember, East Java, Indonesia
The use of chemical pesticides among farmers has been indicated in excessive amounts. Excessive use of chemical pesticides for a long time was hazardous to environment and human health. This study aims to determine (1) the level of farmers knowledge in the implementation of integrated pest management technology; (2) the perception of farmers in the implementation of integrated pest management technology; and (3) the behavior of farmers in the implementation of integrated pest management technology. The research was conducted in the Dukuh Dempok Village, Wuluhan District, Jember Regency in April – August 2019. The number of respondents are 30 samples selected by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed with nonparametric statistical using Spearman Correlation. The results showed that almost the farmers had a medium level of knowledge, and almost the farmers had a neutral perception. Level of farmers knowledge and farmers perception were positively correlated to the behavior of farmers in implementation of integrated pest management technology.
Integrated pest management; Perception; Behavior
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Andarula Galushasti
a) Agribusiness Study Program, Graduate Program, Jember State Polytechnic, Mastrip Road PO Box 164, Jember-Indonesia
b) Agribusiness Study Program, Graduate Program, Jember State Polytechnic, Mastrip Road PO Box 164, Jember-Indonesia
c) Agribusiness Study Program, Graduate Program, Jember State Polytechnic, Mastrip Road PO Box 164, Jember-Indonesia
The purposes of this study are: 1) To determinate the influence of leadership style to organizational culture in Jember UMKM Fashion sector, 2) To determinate the influence of leadership style to performance in Jember UMKM Fashion sector, 3) To determinate the influence of organizational culture to performance in Jember UMKM Fashion sector, and 4) To determinate the influence of leadership style to performance by organizational culture as intervening variable in Jember UMKM Fashion sector. The type of research used in this study is associative research, which aims to determinate the influence of leadership style to performance by organizational culture as intervening variable in Jember UMKM Fashion sector. The population in this study are enterpreneur in Jember UMKM Fashion sector totaling 113 people. For this population, the sample is 53 respondents. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Methods of data analysis using descriptive statistics and path analysis. The result shows that: 1) Leadership style (X) has a direct influence to organizational culture (Z) in Jember UMKM Fashion sector, 2) Leadership style (X) has a direct influence to performance (Y) in Jember UMKM Fashion sector, 3) Organizational culture (Z) has a direct influence to performance (Y) in Jember UMKM Fashion sector, and 4) Leadership style (X) has a direct influence to performance (Y) by organizational culture (Z) as intervening variable in Jember UMKM Fashion sector.
SMEs, Fashion, Leadership style, Organizational culture, Performance
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Marlinda Apriyani
Department of Economics and Business
Politeknik Negeri Lampung
The development of the banana chips industry in Lampung is very important to do. Banana chips are one of the leading products of Lampung Province which continues to expand its market share. This research was conducted to develop a business development model for banana chips in Lampung Province. The analytical tool used to develop a scenario for developing a banana chip business model is a prospective analysis. The scenario is based on the circumstances that may occur in the future on the key factors that influence the development of the banana chips industry. An optimistic scenario is expected to occur for the future of the banana chips industry in Lampung. This scenario can be realized if the technical ability of entrepreneurs increases, access to capital is easier, the availability of raw materials is sufficient and timely, the production process is carried out more efficiently with the use of sophisticated and modern tools, and an increase in managerial skills of entrepreneurs.
scenario, development model, banana chips, prospective analysis
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
Corresponding Author
Aulia Brilliantina
(a) Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Jember Mastrip Street PO BOX
164 Jember, Indonesia
(b) Department of Agribusiness Management, State Polytechnic of Jember Mastrip Street PO BOX
Food security has become an important issue in Indonesia. One of the processing industries that can support food security is the sweet potato industry. The purpose of this study is to calculate the added value of sweet potato chips. Data acquisition in this study was obtained by observation and interviews. The study was conducted in April-July 2019. This study is using descriptive data analysis method to describe the processing of sweet potatoes into sweet potato chips. In this study also used quantitative analysis to determine the added value of sweet potato by using Hayami method. The results of this study are expected to encourage the development agroindustry based on local commodity, especially sweet potatoes, to support food security.
Value Added; Hayami Method; Sweet Potato
Agroindustry and Agribusiness
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